
Via Genova 128,
15122 Alessandria Italy
+39 0131 123456
+39 333 1234567



Alla ricerca di luoghi dell'anima e paesaggi incantati, unite le gioie della vista ai piaceri del palato: siete nel Monferrato!


Gli infernot, patrimonio UNESCO, sono cavità sotterranee scavate nella pietra arenaria, la pietra da cantoni: veri e propri capolavori architettonici nati dalla tradizione contadina, scrigni preziosi per custodire sapori e saperi.


Alessandria la porta del Monferrato. La città di Umberto Eco e dei cappelli Borsalino, la città della battaglia di Marengo e di Napoleone, la città dei palazzi medievali e del razionalismo di Gardella: luogo mosaico dove si fondono in un fascino


La città del Palio medievale più antico d’Italia, la città delle 100 torri e culla di Vittorio Alfieri.
Una storia millenaria incastonata tra le colline e famosa in tutto il mondo per i suoi vini.

Chi siamoMonferrato To Taste &  Travel

The discovery of a Country and its traditions passes from the amazement in front of its beautiful landscapes, from the knowledge of its history and from the sensorial experience deriving from contact with the food culture of the place. Monferrato To Taste was born from passion and knowledge of a territory, the Unesco Monferrato, an area of Piedmont rich in historical, cultural, artistic heritage and above all synonymous with food and wine excellence. Five women, travel agents from the province of Alessandria, have thus created a showcase of the excellence of Monferrato, which through their professionalism in incoming tourism, Monferrato Travel Tour Operator, combines the marketing of products with the sale of holiday packages and sensorial experiences linked to the world of food and wine, and the selection of unique experiences in the area, in order to create in the travelers an emotional memory and a bond between them and this corner of Piedmont, which makes them feel increasingly welcome as tourists.
The boxes are journeys of taste that tell the story of Monferrato: they suggest emotions and invite you to personally discover the places, people and values of a unique and authentic land.
Live Monferrato with us!

Monferrato To Taste

Ambasciatrici del Monferrato

Selezionati per VoiProdotti

Alla scoperta degliItinerari Turistici

Monferrato is an authentic and hospitable land, full of beauties waiting to be discovered. We create original programs with a strong connection to the territory, giving value to the traditions of small artisans and selected producers. We combine activities to make you experience our Monferrato “in all senses” in a slow and sustainable way, giving you emotions.
Discover some examples of our itineraries between history, art, food and nature.


Monferrato TravelEsperienze

Traditional experiences or unusual experiences? Relaxation or adventure? Nature or Art?
You will feel all our passion in researching activities in the area and our selected suppliers
will leave you with an unforgettable memory. All services are tested to guarantee you peace of mind and safety


“ViA(E) per Viaggiare” is a journey that travels along the ancient Roman roads that cross Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy. A journey to “discover and learn” thanks to a gentle and slow tourism that will allow you to harmoniously experience new places and kindly meet people who will amaze us through their “Stories of Beauty”.
Proposals and itineraries that start from afar, but which through the web, podcasts and social tools will project us into the future to experience new emotions every day.