
Via Genova 128,
15122 Alessandria Italy
+39 0131 123456
+39 333 1234567


Archeowine & Archeoflavours

Starting from
2 nights in B&B
Tastings in the cellar
Gavi Fort

Arrival in Gavi Ligure, accommodation in a B&B or farmhouse.
Walk in the old village (TCI Orange Flag) where among the narrow streets and colorful houses of the center you can admire the Church of San Giacomo, a beautiful example of Romanesque architecture. We then go up towards the Fort for a guided tour of the polygon fortress built between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
The itinerary continues with a visit to a winery carrying completely organic production, and where one of the products of excellence is the Cortese Gavi Docg obtained from fermentation and aging in terracotta amphorae. Followed by tasting in the cellar.
Return to Gavi – Dinner in a tavern with typical traditional dishes.

After breakfast the day begins in Libarna with a visit to the Archaeologic Area of the Roman city built in 148 BC. along the Via Postumia which connected Aquileia with Genoa. We will go through the history of the city together with the telling of the ancient flavors and the production/trade of wine, arriving up to the present day with the Archeoflavours, those foods and products which, with adaptation and transformation over the centuries, are still present on our tables .
We continue with a visit to the Libarna Museum where the archaeological finds found on the site and witnessing of the daily life of the Roman city are contained.
Delicious stop with the Archeoflavours in the pastry shop where you can taste biscuits, “tessellae” and the Libarna kiss (based on honey and hazelnuts, ingredients already used for desserts in Roman cuisine).
Also in Serravalle, a quick lunch always in search of the Archeoflavours with a stop for the traditional Farinata, a simple product based on chickpea flour, water, salt and olive oil, cooked in a wood oven.
In the early afternoon we reach the Municipality of Voltaggio, one of the most “Ligurian” municipalities in the province of Alessandria whose Roman origin derives from the passage of the ancient Via Postumia, the hub of commercial exchanges coming from the port of Genoa.
After a tour of the historic center with a stop on the Romanesque Paganini bridge over the Lemme river and a visit to the Church of S. Maria Assunta, we go to discover a small jewel, the Art Gallery of the Capuchin Convent, with its precious paintings by Ligurian, Piedmontese and Lombard authors.
On the way back, a stop in the town of Carrosio to taste amaretti, almond-based sweets, expertly made here by four generations, so much so that they have obtained the prestigious De.Co. mark of excellence. In addition to tasting them, upon reservation it will be possible to watch them being made.
Return to Gavi, free time available for an aperitif in the wineries in the centre.
Dinner at the farmhouse.

After breakfast we’ll visit another excellent winery in the area where we’ll continue to discover once again, in addition to all the wines they produce, a courteous Gavi Docg vinified in amphora.
At the end of our visit, with a short 1 km walk on an asphalt road from the center of Bosio, we can reach the Giant Orange Bench, #84 of the circuit created by the American designer Chris Bangle. The bench is located on the Bricco del Ronco and from its breathtaking view of the vines you can see Monte Tobbio and its ancient church.
Before returning home, in Serravalle Scrivia possible stop for shopping at

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